Monday, March 2, 2009

Hey I'm: Stephen E.

Hey I'm Stephen. I am eighteen years old and in my last year of high school. I am a pretty cheerful guy. From a pretty early age my favorite verses have been Psalm 144:15 "Happy are those whose God is the Lord." and Proverbs 17:22 "A happy heart does good like medicine." I really love trying to pass that joy around. I play football and tennis but I don't plan on pursuing either. I teach Sunday School at my church and absolutely love it. Reaching out and teaching kids is really my passion. I can't get enough! Kids are great and I learn as much or more from them as they do from me.

From there it is pretty easy to see why Mocha Club is important to me. When I realized how many children in Africa were in need it really broke my heart, and when I learned how easy it was to help it was an easy choice to get involved. God's Word tells us to help those in need and I feel so blessed that I am able to help those that are less fortunate than I am. Especially in such an easy and fun way through Mocha Club. I want to continue to help Africa no matter what. God does amazing things and I know He will bless the continent of Africa through Mocha Club.

~Stephen E.


  1. Just popped in and read your blog. Love it. Your family must be so proud of you. Your wonderful face is radiant with the happiness you know in the Lord. My husband and I were involved with missions in Korea and Papua New Guinea, the latter with Wycliffe Bible Translators. My husband taught and worked in administration in their center there, and our first 3 kids graduated from Ukarumpa High School, Eastern Highlands, Papua New Guinea. I'll visit the Mocha Club and learn more about it. God's blessings on you all!

  2. Steven i think god is calling you for great things. i see god in you every day at school

